Think Smartgrids

Public Institution

Established in April 2015, Think Smartgrids aims to develop the smart grids sector in France and to promote French solutions in Europe and around the world.


Think Smartgrids federates French smart grids stakeholders.
With the objective of creating a “French Team” for smart grids, the professional association Think Smartgrids supports the development of the smart grids sector in France and develops international collaborations. Bringing together more than a hundred players across the entire smart grid value chain, Think Smartgrids represents a sector that creates around 2,000 direct jobs per year in France, with a turnover of around €7 billion in 2020, 50% of which will come from exports. Smart grids’ global market is estimated to be worth between €75 and €100 billion in 2020, growing at 15% per year.


Think Smartgrids, part of the smart grids National Plan
Think Smartgrids association was created in response to the smart grids roadmap for a New Industrial France called for by the French government and presented on May 7th 2014 to the then President of the Republic, François Hollande, by Dominique Maillard (then Chairman of the French TSO RTE and leader of the “Smart Grid” plan).


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