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Consulting Firm

Since 2010, MEDEE – Motors and Electrical Devices for Energy Efficiency – brings together companies and academics around collaborative Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I) projects. Based in Lille, MEDEE federates a community of actors specialized in electrical engineering: multinational companies, innovative SMEs, start-ups, laboratories, and universities.

The Cluster MEDEE R&D&I topics are related to several sectors and target markets:

Industrial processes energy efficiency
Electricity generation from renewable sources
Smart Transmission System
Transportation (rail, More Electric Aircraft, electrical vehicle…)

Promoting and providing access to advanced skills, infrastructures, R&D&I projects and technology platforms
Federating and networking: MEDEE Cluster's members, our French and European partners, etc.
Assisting in the setting up of French and European projects in complete confidentiality: search for an appropriate source of funding, project setting up, search for partners, etc.

To be among the reference operators on the electrical efficiency of industrial processes and the efficiency of electrical power generation systems
Bringing together industrial players, large companies and SMEs around collaborative projects, supporting them in their innovation transfers and technological leaps and contributing to their economic development

Countries of operation



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