In a nutshell
Have you just taken up your first managerial post and are wondering what management is all about? Or are you already a manager and wondering about your role, what's expected of you, and what skills you'll need for the job?
In this course, you'll learn how to answer these questions in the context of your organization. You'll see that there are different types of company, and that this has consequences for your place and role as a manager. You'll discover how to identify the type of company you work for, and how best to define your managerial mission.
Join this course to better understand your company and adapt your management style to its organization!
Objectives: by the end of this course, you'll be able to :
- Distinguish between different types of organization and their principles
- Understand the changes affecting organizations
- Define your managerial mission in the context of a Taylorian company
- Define your managerial mission in the context of an empowering company
Le programme
Partie 1 - Repérez-vous dans les différentes formes d’organisation
1. Appréhendez la notion d’entreprise
2. Maîtrisez les principes de l’organisation taylorienne
3. Maîtrisez les principes de l’organisation par le management des relations humaines
4. Maîtrisez les principes de l’entreprise responsabilisante
Quiz : Distinguez les différents types d'organisation
Partie 2 - Trouvez votre place dans l’organisation
1. Définissez votre mission de manager
2. Placez-vous dans le contexte d’une organisation taylorienne
3. Placez-vous dans le contexte d’une entreprise responsabilisante
4. Managez dans la complexité
Activité : Adaptez votre mode de management à votre organisation