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RTEi Metering Webinar (French)

Electricity billing Grid planning Electrification Customer & Quality Customer contact Power supply continuity Non-technical losses Smart metering
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10:30 / 12:30



Electricity billing Grid planning Electrification Customer & Quality Customer contact Power supply continuity Non-technical losses Smart metering


Presented in the form of a benchmark, it allows for the identification of best practices, differences, and opportunities for improvement for electricity distribution operators who may not have metering systems suited to the inherent challenges of local contexts, particularly those related to non-technical losses.

It details several metering systems used in different countries, along with their advantages, disadvantages, and specific characteristics regarding non-technical losses and the solutions implemented to mitigate them.

Les opérateurs de référence pour cette étude sont les suivants: 

  1. ENEDIS (France) : A 100% subsidiary of EDF, the company distributes electricity to 37.5 million customers
    • All smart grid meters (Linky) are remotely read and operable. The overall loss rate is less than 6%.
  2. ENERGISA Group (Brazil) : It currently controls nine electricity distributors in Brazil and supplies 8.4 million customers (10% of the Brazilian population). 
    • The consolidated non-technical loss rate is less than 4% in a high-risk fraud environment.
  3. ONEE (Morocco) : ONEE – Electricity Branch supplies more than 7 million customers. As the country's leading electricity distributor, its 10 Regional Directorates cover both urban and rural areas (as of the end of 2023). 
    • The non-technical loss rate can exceed 30% in certain regions.
  4. EDM (Mozambique) : It supplies 3.2 million customers (but only 46% of the population has access to electricity). Prepayment metering is widespread in its low-voltage coverage area. 
    • The overall loss rate is 26%.

The speaker:

Rémy DA SILVA holds a Master's degree in Electrical Distribution Management from the University of Sciences & Technology Bordeaux 1.

He has 32 years of experience within the EDF group in the field of electricity distribution.In France, he has focused on:

  • Engineering and planning of Medium Voltage networks / Planning Engineer for HTA networks in inner Paris.
  • Operation and maintenance of HTA and BT networks / Network Agency Manager in the Haute-Garonne Department.
  • BT metering (connections, readings, interventions) and the reduction of non-technical losses / Deputy Director in charge of Customer Activities in the Brittany region.


5 years at LIGHT (an EDF subsidiary in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) with missions particularly focused on development:

  • Technical choices aimed at improving the costs of network construction and maintenance.
  • Solutions for controlling non-technical losses (fraud detection and reduction of fraud risk).

5 years at EDF-International Networks (EDF-IN) providing technical support for the development of contracts internationally with distributors in China, Brazil, Uruguay, Haiti, Angola, Senegal...:

Since 2017, Rémy DA SILVA has been a Consultant in the field of electricity distribution for operators or clients (EDF, CITELUM, VÉOLIA, SOFRECO, etc.), particularly in:

  • Metering and non-technical losses (in Morocco with EDFIN)
  • Operation and maintenance of networks (in Morocco with VEOLIA)
  • Public lighting (in Brazil and Belgium with CITELUM)
  • Training for distribution professions (in Mozambique with EDF South Africa, in São Tomé with SOFRECO)

Please note that registration for this webinar is mandatory. To register, please click here.


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