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(Sonelec x Roseau Technologies) A digital twin to optimise the network in Comoros!

Grid planning Grid mapping Grid optimization Grid digitalization Simulation tools
Start date
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Grande Comore/Anjouan, Comores
Project sponsored by
Digital Energy
(Sonelec x Roseau Technologies) A digital twin to optimise the network in Comoros!
Nawal Soilih

Grid planning Grid mapping Grid optimization Grid digitalization Simulation tools

Start date
Project status
Grande Comore/Anjouan, Comores

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A project led by SONELEC & Roseau Technologies

The Société Nationale d'Electricité was created by decree in 2018, under the administrative and technical supervision of the Ministry in charge of Energy and the financial supervision of the Ministry in charge of Finance. Its main mission is to manage the production, transport, distribution and marketing of electricity in the Union of Comoros.

Roseau Technologies is a company specialised in the publishing of technical software also created in 2018 for the electricity distribution sector: software for modelisation, simulation, optimisation, supervision and piloting of electricity distribution networks, and services linked to these softwares. A spin-off from the University of Grenoble, with roots in both the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments, Roseau Technologies provides its clients with the fruit of years of academic and industrial R&D, and continues to maintain close links with the Research ecosystem.

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“Currently network planning is difficult as we do not have a reliable network map and access to simulation models,” says Nawal Soilih, Project Manager at Sonelec.
“Using the data from the network map, we can build a digital twin of the grid that can be later used in our simulation tool Sirao to carry out technical studies” says Louise Muller, Project Manager at Roseau Technologies.
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The demand for electricity is rising fast on the Comoro Islands even with access rates at 70%, much higher than the Sub-Saharan regional average of about 40 percent. Many production projects are in progress, but there is a need for substantial investment in the three island networks.


Partnering with Roseau Technologies, a specialist in grid modelling, simulation and optimization software in the energy transition ecosystem, will enable SONELEC to map the electricity grid on the Grande Comoro and Anjouan islands and build an replica for better investment planning.
In the coming months, Roseau Technologies will train Sonelec's teams on the software that will bring enhanced data management, modelling and grid simulations necessary for the first studies.
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