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(GRET) Digitalization of a social energy operator to extend the distribution of sustainable electricity to rural areas in Madagascar

Productive assets Power supply continuity Data & Smart sensors Supervision des moyens de télécommunication Grid optimization
Start date
Project status
En cours
Madagascar, Madagascar
Project sponsored by
Digital Energy
(GRET) Digitalization of a social energy operator to extend the distribution of sustainable electricity to rural areas in Madagascar

Productive assets Power supply continuity Data & Smart sensors Supervision des moyens de télé... Grid optimization

Start date
Project status
En cours
Madagascar, Madagascar

Porteurs de projet

Digitalization of a social energy operator to extend the distribution of sustainable electricity to rural areas in Madagascar. 

As stand-alone power systems, mini-grids are essential for providing power to isolated communities unserved by national grids. 

In Madagascar, only 10% of the rural population has access to electricity. This low level of coverage is partly due to the high cost for investment in improving and deploying the power grid.

The GRET project aims to replace conventional meters with smart meters and implement on-site digital solutions to improve energy availability and service efficiency. 

“We’re deploying a network of IoT sensors in a hydropower plant for two rural municipalities. They will improve monitoring and reduce lead times for failure identification” says Eva Sahondralalaina, Project Manager – Energy for GRET.
URL de Remote Videos


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