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Challenge App Afrique RFI - France24 (FR)

Renewable energies Cybersecurity IT/OT for utilities Grid optimization Grid digitalization
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RFI / France24
Challenge App Afrique RFI - France24 (FR)
By RFI / France24


Renewable energies Cybersecurity IT/OT for utilities Grid optimization Grid digitalization


Bannière challenge app

Supported by RFI and France 24, the Challenge App Afrique is an innovation challenge to support startups in Africa developing innovative digital applications to address an African issue.

The theme of the 2023-2024 edition is green energy.

The Challenge App Afrique is sponsored by RFI, the world's leading news media (59.5 million listeners every week), universally recognized for the quality and veracity of its news and the trust placed in it by its listeners, and France 24, the French 24-hour international news channel (101.7 million viewers, measured weekly on average in 2022), both belonging to the France Médias Monde group.

On social networks, these three programs have several thousand subscribers on their respective Facebook pages, communities that can react and ask questions, and are also present via the RFI and France 24 websites and applications with additional information, replay and podcasts.

8th Africa App Challenge 2023: "Digital power for green energy"

The aim of the 2023 edition is to support the development of digital applications in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) useful for green energy.

After an initial pre-selection of 100 candidates, a second selection within this pre-selected group will enable the 10 finalist participants to present a proof of concept (POC), or demonstration of feasibility, to the Jury. The winner will receive 15,000 euros for his or her project.

The competition provides candidates with international visibility and business opportunities. It is subject to specific rules and is not subject to any obligation to buy or to any administration fees.

The competition aims to encourage and support innovation by stimulating African start-ups and developers, and to promote the integration of ICTs for the benefit of renewable energies.

It also aims to promote the skills of local African developers in French-speaking African countries. The proposed project must be in French and accessible to people who speak African languages. Candidate teams will be made up of equal numbers of men and women.

Resources available to candidates:

The program C'est pas du vent

The program Questions d'environnement

The Tech 24 program

A jury of experts

Contest rules are available here:


More information on the Challenge App's website (FRENCH)

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