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Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022

Energy access Minigrids & Nanogrids Solar energy
Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022
At Feb 01 2024

Energy access Minigrids & Nanogrids Solar energy

Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022

For over a decade, the Off-Grid Solar (OGS) Market Trends Report (MTR) has served as a cornerstone of information for investors, policymakers, and industry stakeholders. Published biennially by the World Bank Lighting Global/GOGLA franchise, these reports offer comprehensive insights into sales, impact, and industry trends for off-grid solar products, including VeraSol Quality-Verified devices.

Given the dynamic nature of the off-grid solar sector, capturing its multifaceted developments in one report presents a challenge. The 2022 MTR acknowledges this complexity by focusing on distilling key trends and insights, providing a deep analysis of factors shaping the future of the off-grid market. This year's report is divided into two parts: the 'State of the Sector,' offering insights into recent trends, and an 'Outlook to 2030,' projecting the industry's potential contribution to development goals.

The scope of the 2022 MTR extends beyond traditional solar energy kits to include a significant focus on productive energy use (PUE), reflecting the sector's evolution. It covers countries with electrification deficits and humanitarian settings, encompassing consumers ranging from households to smallholder farmers. Additionally, the report provides insights into company typologies and market landscapes, technological innovations, policy environments, and funding flows shaping the off-grid solar industry's trajectory.

See more:

Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: State of the Sector | ESMAP

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