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RFI France24 Africa App Challenge: Digital Energy Coup de Coeur Award

Energy access Decarbonization Circular economy Renewable energies Wind energy Solar energy Hydropower
RFI France24 Africa App Challenge: Digital Energy Coup de Coeur Award
At Apr 08 2024

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Agence Française de Développement's Digital Energy program, co-financed by the European Union, is proud to support the Digital Energy "Coup de Cœur" prize at the Africa 2024 App Challenge, a competition organized by France Médias Monde, supported by RFI and France 24, and aimed at promoting innovative mobile and web solutions on the African continent.

The theme of this year's 8th edition is "Digital solutions for green energy", with the focus on fostering the development of useful and innovative digital solutions to provide access for all to reliable and sustainable energy services. The competition is supported by RFI's "C'est pas du vent" and "Changer d'air" programs, as well as France 24's "Tech 24". 

Gagnante du Prix Coup de coeur

The Digital Energy "Coup de Cœur" prize is awarded to a project led by a woman on topics related to those supported by the Digital Energy program in terms of access to electricity and the development of renewable energies. The €10,000 prize is awarded by I&P Investisseurs & Partenaires, a pioneering impact investment fund in Africa, in association with the Digital Energy program.

This year, the jury decided to award the Coup de Cœur prize to Nora Monnet, representing Africa Waste Consulting, whose project GreenEd - Votre Compagnon en Énergie Renouvelable is an application designed as a green energy education tool. Targeting populations living in rural areas with low levels of literacy, GreenEd offers educational content (explanatory visuals, video tutorials, and audio explanations) in various local languages to facilitate the adoption of green technologies and reinforce environmental awareness. The app is accessible offline, which is crucial in areas with limited connectivity. 

Watch the video of the award ceremony below.

The award ceremony took place on Wednesday April 3 at the Institut Français de Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan. The award was presented by Martina Borovac Pecarevic, Deputy Head of Delegation, representing the EU, co-financier of the initiative, alongside Lionel Yondo, AFD Regional Director for the Gulf of Guinea. Stéphane Madou, Head of AFD's Energy Project Team, shared his expertise during a masterclass at the Institute on the subject of "The challenges of digitalization in the electricity sector in West Africa".

This masterclass is available below:

Les gagnants du challenge app


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